IPAS Manual Uterine Aspirator is a 'Gamechanger' | HL Pharma
A US physician, Dr Joan Fleischman believes training doctors in this easy method for miscarriage extraction and abortion, might be the best way to address the health care shortfall in this area of woman's reproductive health, by making this easy procedure more accessible.
Manual aspiration is not new, it's used by many big abortion clinics across the US. But those clinics are completely overstretched.
More than 73% of primary-care doctors in the US believe miscarriage and abortion care to be within their scope of practice however, only a tiny fraction, less than 10% of primary-care doctors actually provide it.
The IPAS Manual Aspiration Vacuum & Cannulas is available in Australia and distributed through HL Pharma.
Read the article by Poppy Noor here.